Diyana :D
sweet owner

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basecode: Nurul Atiqah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Nur Diyana

i just wanna say Hi

Hi? :) so when was my last entry? so long right? Haha entah ah, tak terasa nak menaip apa pun, i just thought of make something new :) So 2013 will be coming in less than 1 month. haha. i am so excited and scared at the same time. well yes next year i'll be sitting in form5. that's mean SPM laaaaaaa. ohgod! hm tak sangka, dah besar kan aku? so lepas ni rasanya perangai kene lah matured sikit. wee. no perangai budak budak? tidak tidak. that's diyana. Childish baby :P Haha. Hm sejak makin dewasa ni banyak benda aku fikir. kadang kadang boleh jadi midlife krisis. pehh dah macam krisis air. Haha but well that's me :P So status buat masa sekarang is single tbh. maybe for you to know :) dah lama dah. but we still friend. adalah beberapa sebab yg memang tak boleh nak dielakkan. Allah simpan someone yang lebih baik untuk dia :) so i got a new goals lah. if you are not zayn malik so you can't date me :P cool right? hahaha. i know it is. No lah buat masa ni tak terasa nak fikir about someone special. Hye baby, i think i can live without a special guy laaa ;) right? kene lah pandai independent kan. Diyana can ahh ! xD alright, that's all for today. we'll be visit this blog later. i mean this later is so long okay? :P Bye :) xx

birthday :)

Hai Assalamualaikum. well. aku rasa dah penuh sawang dah blog aku ni :) hihi. yelahh. daha lama sgt kan aku tak post apa-apa.  today is my birthday. oh and arina's too. :) my best friend. nothing is going on since i left this blog. err actually mana things happen. but i dont have much time to wrote anything down here :) and dgn pc yg buat hal. hihi. so where to start? exam? sounds funny. i dapat banyak failed. semuanyaa bnde kira kira. math, addmath, physics, chemistry :P hahaha. nampak sgt aku benci number. hihi. yg A. always lahh agama -,- haha. bm pun tak A. kelakar btl. hm then? oh ya, sekolah nak buat sukan. so ada je lah practise mcm mcm. menari pun ada. and guess what. i involve. well. paksa rela. mula mula sepatutnya jadi penyambut tetamu dan dan pulak tak cukup org nak jadi pagar pegang bunga. so kiteorg kene lah. -,- aku, arina, elin, izzah, eija, zureen. teruk kan? haih -,- bosan je menari menari. dah lah keras, masuk benda alah tu. nasib tak susah pun step dia. hahaha.

hm. now thank you to all yg wish birthday. and thanks a lot to Sharudin nizam for the birthday present :* i like it. and credid to irfan and faezzuan sebab temankan dia pergi beli barang tu dan pergi pilihkan. hihi. 3 heads is better than 1 kan? :P *tak snap gmbr present* sebab malas. hihi. tak tahu nak kelaskan birthday tahun ni best ke tak. but this is my first time i celebrate birthday dalam keadaan couple :O proud* hihi. and yes. aku still remember tahun lepas masa birthday aku ni, aku kol sharudin malam malam. but ibu dia yg angkat lepas tu i kene marah :P hahahaha sounds so kelakar. well, blh lah kata setahun dah kenal dia. sbb kenal masa bulan tujuh kan? :) thanks sbb berada di samping i :D